I just moved to a college town in the Midwest after having spent my whole life in a large city in the South... follow my misadventures as I experience things like Winter and Basketball season for the first time.. a no holds bar look also at my relationshi
Proud to be me
Published on April 24, 2005 By MagickalBear In Misc
This is quite conceivably the dorkiest thing I'm ever going to say about anything, but I'm going to say it. This is a journal of my journey as a human being - both the milestones and the pitfalls. I've been thinking a lot about some of the things that I've gone through recently and I have to admit that I'm quite proud of myself at this stage. I'm a reasonably decent person. I'm friendly, generally happy, perky and caring. I'm just me, and that's all I can be. I'm not a beauty by any standard definition. But I'm here. I've survived this far and I'm doing pretty well for myself. So what I've got problems? Everybody does. Besides, I've got some of the best friends possible. They help me, I help them. It's a huge happy cycle.

And I've got love too

All in all, who could really ask for a whole lot more?

Not me. I've got more than I deserve already.

on Apr 25, 2005
That's good you're proud of yourself. If I ever think everything in my life is going fine and dandy I always knock on wood.
on Apr 25, 2005
That's good you're proud of yourself. If I ever think everything in my life is going fine and dandy I always knock on wood.

Here's the odd thing. I don't really think that my life is really going that well. It's just a case of looking at everything and realizing that a lot of the things I take as problems I should be more grateful for. I'm worried about bills? Be grateful that I can worry about them, i.e. know that it will be taken care of I just have to figure out the solution. And be grateful for the solution while I'm at it Worried that F doesn't really love me that much? It could be worse. Be grateful that he's in my life at all, and for the fact that he puts up with my lunacy. Not quite sure I fit in? Be happy that there is a place for me to even try to fit in in the first place. That kind of stuff, which almost assuredly makes me the biggest dork ever
on Apr 25, 2005
That kind of stuff, which almost assuredly makes me the biggest dork ever

Not a dork! Not many people see their cups as half full instead of half empty. You're just counting your blessings!